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Mejor libro de autoayuda para 2022: EXSTATICA
¿Cuáles son los mejores libros de Tarot y las mejores barajas de Tarot para guiar a los buscadores espirituales a través del desarrollo personal? ¿Qué...
Please visit his website www.jdtoepfer.com where you can purchase this exciting debut novel.
There are so many extraordinary things in the world around us. But have you ever thought that sea monsters and other creatures may be...
The book is a step-by-step guide on how to create a phone confidence, by showing the reader what to say, how to say and...
"Writing is not easy. If you can do it then it is a Blessing. Don’t write and then put it away. Let people read...
"I have always been a huge fan of horror movies and books. So, I combined my writing style into books and stories." - Joseph...
The book is currently available on Amazon and all leading online bookstores.
The Way of Tarot shows that tarot decks are structured like a mandala, which is both an image of the world and a representation...
'The Addiction Manifesto' is now available on Amazon!
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