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D.X. Varos Publishing Announces Release of Highly Anticipated Thriller Book “An Apology To Lucifer”

To purchase or learn more about An Apology To Lucifer, visit the book’s official website at


Denver, CO – D.X. Varos announced the official release of An Apology To Lucifer last month and is now available for purchase. An Apology to Lucifer is a paranormal historical thriller that delights with intrigue and opens with a story of fallen Angels and an eternal pledge for redemption. The prologue sets the metaphysical stage for the tension that evolves as Wayne and Sean Haley pursue the story of a precious book the Vatican will do anything to get their hands on, the real story behind Lucifer’s fall from Heaven, and a Boston psychoanalyst, author, and atheist who becomes involved in the mystery of why his good friend Albert, a controversial exorcist, took his life.

D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer for the Midwest Book Review was quoted as saying, “Those who enjoyed The DaVinci Code and other stories of metaphysical intrigue and inspection will find the thriller component is strong, here; as is the inclusion of demonic forces that influence mortal affairs. While An Apology to Lucifer will appeal to thriller audiences, it will prove equally engrossing to those who like supernatural and metaphysical inquiry. These readers will find this story replete in both nonstop action and solid ethical, spiritual, and moral examination.”

As book authenticator Lorenza Pellegrini, atheist David Wright, and Father Thomas Morelli find their lives unexpectedly joined by a dangerous purpose and pursuit, readers enjoy a chase through different worlds and possibilities as the investigations revise history and reconsider the impact of belief systems.

The Haley’s inject a sense of wonder into their story that considers the impact of an ancient war and decision and antiquarian special interests on present-day lives: “All of those old books and people acted like they were made of gold when they saw them, Carlos thought. So many words printed on pages. Knowledge that made people crazy, happy, or angry. It was not something that Carlos wanted to worry about.”

Their story is replete in vivid descriptions of world-changing events that keep readers spellbound: “The wind was howling up there. She believed she heard screams from across the city. The storm had intensified significantly in a very short period. The reverberation from the thunder nearly knocked her to the ground. The wind was ripping at her clothing and hair. Unholy sounds were coming from the black cloud—like the screaming of a thousand demons. She could feel the blood starting to drip from her ears.”

The answers to many disparate special interests’ questions lie in a book that will change the world. It’s a book that should not exist, and its presence represents a threat to social and spiritual order that leads a host of contenders to want it for their own purposes.

Watch the official trailer here:

To purchase or learn more about An Apology To Lucifer, visit the book’s official website at

It is also available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and your local bookstore.

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