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Featured: Frank Dixon’s new book on how to raise resilient children!

Frank Dixon

Frank Dixon
, the author of this eye-opening parenting guide on how to raise resilient kids, has created an easy-to-follow strategy for parents, which will help you:

Understand Resilience: Embrace It, Discover The Need for Raising Resilient Kids & The 7 C’s of Building Resilience, Perseverance and Self-Confidence for Kids.

Embrace Your Child As An Independent Thinker: Stimulate Creativity, Set Limits & Plant The Seeds For Good Habits.

Be Honest With Yourself: Take Responsibility, Avoid Painful Past Mistakes & Take Matters Into Your Own Hands.

The book is available on Amazon: Order Now

It is highly important parents implement a parenting strategy. While it is always better to start as early as possible, starting late is better than never starting at all. Understanding positive parenting practices and principles is valuable to any parent or family member. It helps us to better understand our own behavior in relation to our children and the impacts and consequences which drives change for more positive outcomes. I encourage parents to find a parenting strategy that works best for them which in some cases means employing a combination of different strategies or testing different ideas and adopting some and leaving out ones that they may not find works in their circumstance. While there is a lot of similarity, every family situation and structure is unique. Most importantly, remember that a child’s childhood experience has an enormous impact on their future which shapes their adulthood life. Having a strategy is better than just figuring it out as you go or having no plan at all and hoping for the best. Having a parenting strategy gives children the best chance for success when they reach adulthood.

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