Just Fame is today sharing an amazing new album by Mise Da Prince. It is titled Streets Made Me and comprises tracks like Cold Hearted, Made More, Challenge, Struggle and many more amazing songs.
Listen to the album now!
About the artist: Mise Da Prince was born Joseph A Sanchez on March 1, 1993, in New York City. Mise grew up in Farragut Projects in Brooklyn NY. Growing up Mise first fell in love with football and being from NYC his favorite team was NY Giants. He wanted to become an athlete and go pro but unfortunately, he got hurt with a knee injury while playing. In 2006 Mise started to get into music and loved what rap sounded like, he use to watch rap videos all day long, after being hurt his mother saw his love for music and suggested he try his hand at rapping. Taking his mother’s advice Mise began rapping making a song with his cousin’s over Black Rob’s beat ” Can I Live”. Mise released his first 6 song EP over industry beats on SoundCloud, The first song he released was called “Pride” it was received very well. Taking his music to the next level Mise began to do shows all over the east coast from NYC to Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Mise was featured on a Times Square Billboard and in the popular magazine Rap Aechelon which sold 9k in the US independently. Be sure to look out for his video releases, tours, shows, and new music release dates.
Official website of the artist: www.misedaprince.com