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Featured: Interview with artist Xavier E

Xavier E

Just Fame got a chance to interview artist Xavier E. We got insights into his new single, his source of motivation and much more!

Q. First of all, welcome! How are you doing?

Xavier E: I want to first of all thank you for having me and interviewing me. I am great. It’s another day or as my friends now say, it is the “Pain Of Another day”. But life is great I cant complain.

Q. Your latest single Pain of Another Day is splendid! Please share with us how did you come across the idea for this single?

Xavier E: This song and most of my songs I get inspiration from my own life. I find that people can find some commonality in my life, and make it work for them. This song in particular was about my ex who cheated on me. I was in a tough place in my life. I was stuck taking care of a loved one who was actively dying. I couldn’t just leave my mother by herself with my very sick father while he was doing this. It was tough, it still brings up some kind of emotion. I remember going to the studio to record this track… I had to do a bunch of takes because I kept on breaking down. But you can hear the pain in my whales on the higher parts. Then in the soft undertones. Him and I are great friends now, and It’s been a while since this happened. But what is better than a cheating ex song put to a funky 80’s retro beat. Who doesn’t love the 80’s!

Q. What exactly is the creative process that you follow while making your music?

Xavier E: After my father passed away, I lost a lot of my creative process. I took time off went back to school and got a degree. But my creative process is I have to be inspired, and inspiration can come from anywhere. Once I get that hook in my head I will record it on my phone, then I will write around that. It doesn’t take me long to write a song, but it takes a while for that inspiration. But it’s been a minute since my father died and I took a long break from music, but I am back now. I am all refreshed and better than ever.  

Q. What is art according to you?

Xavier E: Art is anything you want it to be. I consider music an art form. Everyone’s music is their own art. There are many interpretations of your music just like art. For example, my song “Proud” is a song I wrote for my ex whose father died from cancer at a young age. I saw how the death of his father affected him so I wanted to write a song for him. (this of course was at the beginning of our relationship before the cheating.). I toured with this song with my American Cancer Society Compilation CD I produced a while back, and people of all ages use to tell me how this made them think of their mother, brother, sister cousin, and they can get a message of “Did I make you proud before you passed.” Art can invoke emotions from people.  That is what I want to do with my music, make people feel a certain way. 

Q. What motivates you and what inspires you in your life?

Xavier E: My mother inspires me, she has dealt with a lot in her life, she had struggles in raising 5 kids, she is a hard worker. I am motivated by hard workers. Of course, image is a huge motivator I mean I believe in loving your body and yourself for what you have. I use to be over 500 lbs and it took a lot to get to the body I have now and to a place where I am semi happy. I don’t think I will ever ben 100% satisfied with my looks or body, but it motivates me to go to the gym daily and work out stay healthy and eat good. People that do well in life also motivates me. I surround myself with people who are like me, I feed off their energy and they off mine!

Q. Who has been a major influence in your life?

Xavier E: My mother as I said before, even my father. My dad was married a few times before my mother and his other kids were all musically inclined, even him and his brothers and sisters had their own little bank back in the great depression (He was old). But for some reason, maybe because of our age when we all came about with my mother he never really talked about music until we were older, and he use to play his guitar. I used to studded as a child, and my dad told me “hey if you sing you won’t studded”. He was right. But even then, I was shy and didn’t really explore my voice until college.

Q. Who are your 3 favorite artists and why?

Xavier E: Lady Gaga – I’ve met her before she is sweet and can sing live and she is super artistic. I told you before I feed off that kind of energy.

Justin Timberlake- I’ve met him many many times, he as well is a well-rounded person with music, directing, producing, acting and doing everything. He’s been around forever and knows how to reinvent himself.

Maluma- He is hot and knows how to sell! All these people are all nice in person and they are all very successful and artistic. I want to do a song or duet with him someday. If you read this Maluma call me! DM me on IG!

Q. Any tips or advice for the young aspiring artists?

Xavier E: I give this tip to all up and coming artist. Promote your music! Don’t just make music and hope you will catch a vibe from social media and become famous from then and people will buy your music from that. It doesn’t happen that way. If you want something to happy you have to make it happen. Don’t just stand and wait for things to happen you make them happen. Also, do not listen to what people have to say about your music. Not everyone is going to like your music, you should be okay with that. You made it, stand by it. Its art, your art.

Q. What lies ahead for you in the coming years? What next? Any collaboration plans with other artists?

Xavier E: I have an EP coming out, get ready I am going to take you through the years with modern twist and hot dance tracks. I have a 70’s Retro song coming out, I was actually going to release that one before this one, but it wasn’t its time for it, but it will be soon. I want to do a collaboration with Maluma. CALLL MEEE. But I am open to doing collaboration with artist, but don’t just hit me up on IG and send me your music link and ask me what I think. I am honest I may hurt your feelings and Sometimes i just don’t answer because I just don’t want to work with you. It is nothing personal, we just have different styles.

Q. Lastly, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

Xavier E: Get to know me follow me on Instagram XavierEofficial. I am very active with my people. Share my music with your friends and be happy with life you only have one, so live it to your fullest. I want to thank fame magazine again for this opportunity and all your readers. I want you all to share, share, share and share “Pain of another day”. It’s definitely a throwback to the 80’s. 

About the artist: Singer-songwriter Xavier E has garnered a significant level of critical acclaim and acknowledgement over the course of his expansive professional recording career dating back to 2002. Xavier’s music has placed on various international charts, received substantial radio airplay and has boasted coverage in premium media outlets in print and television. 

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