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Exclusive: Interview with Author Alla Kesser Gross

Alla Kesser Gross

We got a chance to interview Alla Kesser Gross, Author of ‘The Modern Teen’s Etiquette Playbook’. Check out this exclusive interview for insights into her new book, her source of inspiration and much more!

Q. Welcome! How are you doing?

Thanks for inviting me to join you on this beautiful day. I am delighted to connect and share my emotions, thoughts, and insight with you and your readers.

Q. Your amazing new book is set to release this month! It addresses a very modern and important topic: teaching teens etiquette in both digital and real-life interactions. What inspired you to delve into this subject?

You are now looking at a determined woman who is painstakingly raising three teen boys. This book is my personal pain, and, if I may say, my silent scream. I really struggle to understand why the new generation, namely Generation Z, is so careless—even apathetic—about following traditions and the matters of appropriate and effective communication.

Q. Is there a particular piece of advice or a chapter in the book that you believe is crucial for today’s teenagers?

The book is constructed in such a way that transports you on a journey from the very basics like personal hygiene, greetings, and table manners all the way to your first job interview and dating relationship. I believe that while you read through the chapters, you transform and blossom in tandem with the main characters portrayed in the illustrations.

Q. Could you share some of the most surprising discoveries or challenges you encountered during your research and writing process

Certain delicate and sensitive topics even made me blush, but were necessary to discuss to inform teens, and save parents uncomfortable and embarrassing conversations.

Q. With technology and social media continuously evolving, how do you envision the future of social skills and etiquette for the younger generation? Are there plans for a follow-up book or other projects to address these changes?

I envision the future of social skills and etiquette for the younger generation as dicey. That’s why I am addressing all these issues during the classes at my Luxxall School of Etiquette and Manners based in San Diego. I am delighted to see the impressive transformation of the children as they successfully complete the eight-week course. It is quite noticeable, and I am very proud of the results and all the amazing reviews and feedback I am receiving. Every student and parent of mine becomes a member of this amazing etiquette discourse community I am building pretty much from the ground up.

Q. Any advice or tips you would like to share with all the aspiring writers out there?

The most important tidbit of advice I can dole out is to be free and unencumbered to express yourself. This is your work, your thoughts, and your opinions. And do not expect that everybody will instantly fall in love with your book. This is your personal journey, and only people who resonate with you and your philosophies and ethos will hop on board.

Q. Who are your favorite authors and why?

My favorite author is life. The way that life can turn and surprise you cannot be mimicked by any author.

Q. Any daily rituals that you follow in order to stay creative?

My biggest inspiration is art. I am a very visual person; you probably can tell by the number of creative illustrations in my book. So, for me it is art in any form – whether it is a painting, photography, music, dance, or theater, they all ignite my creative passion.

Q. Finally, as we ask all our guests, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

Life is a journey, and every step you take leads to new experiences and wisdom. Trust this process and listen to your heart (and gut). Thank you and keep on reading!

About the author: At the tender age of three, Alla had already begun a tutelage in social mores and manners at an educational daycare in the Ukraine run by etiquette professionals where she learned the importance of making eye contact, polite greetings, and the basics of dining and table manners. She continued formal etiquette training throughout her childhood and teen years, making several pit stops at esteemed manners and boarding schools throughout Europe, receiving a merit/honors diploma as an etiquette teacher at a prestigious British school where she graduated as an etiquette coach, then mastered the skills of flag etiquette, international relations, high-level delegation visits and conferences in Haag. Alla completed her formal global training on the finer points of American decorum and the cultural differences from continental protocols in New York City. To Alla, founder of the Lluxxall School of Etiquette and Manners in San Diego, geared for children and teens, enriching students on the basics of decorum from the dining room, classroom, and dorm room to the computer room and eventually boardroom is a natural and organic passion and her life’s mission. Coupled with an online advice column for teens, numerous magazine articles, live talks, podcasts, and now this compelling and comprehensive handbook, Alla will be repairing the world by molding a future generation of refined, self-confident, and well-mannered students well-equipped to achieve happiness and success both personally and professionally.

Give your teen the tools they need to flourish in today’s interconnected world by teaching them the art of etiquette and netiquette. This book will help them build a strong foundation for personal and professional success, ensuring they stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression both offline and online.

The book is now available on Amazon: The Modern Teen’s Etiquette Playbook

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