Just Fame has special and exclusive news to share with our readers! We have got a special peek into a new book Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera – An E.J. Gold Collection. It is a collection of 365 quotes from the renowned artist and spiritual teacher E.J. Gold. And it has been sourced from his books, workshops, interviews and videos.
The book is graphically illustrated and is available in a stunning full-color print and e-book format too. Los Angeles based Visual Communications Designer and Brand Consultant Niralee Kamdar is the creative brain behind this book. She has illustrated and designed this entire book. The award-winning Filmmaker, Music Producer and Author Nishiet Gajjar has provided commentaries on the quotes in this book. Also, he is the one who has compiled this entire quote collection.
This isn’t a book in reality! It is a 365-day voyage of profound spiritual insights and startling clues for inner and outer work on self. Readers can follow through the year with E.J. Gold or open the book at random to use it as an oracle each day of the year! There are a variety of quotes ranging from topics on consciousness, spirituality, metaphysics, art, self-transformation, inner work and creativity!
The book is available as a digital file to be read on your phone, tablet, desktop computer, or as a bound book on your coffee table!
E.J.Gold is a leader of the human potential movement on the West Coast. He has extensive career experience in the recording industry, television, and film production, stand-up comedy, screenwriting, and publicity photography. He is the author of more than 50 books in the spiritual and self-help fields. He lives in Nevada City, California.
Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera – An E.J. Gold Quote Collection is published by California-based publisher Gateways Books.
For details visit: Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera – An E.J. Gold Quote Collection
For information about E.J. Gold visit: www.idhhb.com