Just Fame is today sharing an exclusive piece of news about artist Nishit P Gajjar aka Nishiet. Known as the author of the books Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera, Attention and simple techniques to regain it, and renowned films like Misty Molecules and Musing of the muse, Nishiet shares thoughts on the “creation zone” in his new book Ambient Music Composers Guide when he talks about his new album Contemplation.
The track which is really close to my heart from this album is Sor Rugis That. The sound patch is an experimental result of consistent creation of new tones from modular synthesizer. The effects in form of delay and reverbs enhances the dreaminess of the track. The mumbling of a sound were echoes from a dream world. The subconscious imaginary was hard to decipher. It seemed the only possible alternative to transform the visual images from the dream into the physical world was through sound. Hence Sor Rugis That was created. Even now when I listen to the track, the haunting echoes of the voice takes me into the journey of nostalgia and wildness altogether. I don’t know whether I will be able to touch upon that dream image anymore. But I know for sure that the trace of that image exists now in the physical realm. It exists in Sor Rugis That. Like a beloved Sor Rugis That gives me hope and inspired me to explore and dive deeper into meditation and dream worlds. – Nishiet.