
Featured: Singer and Songwriter Rob Massard’s new album ‘Thousand River Sun’

‘Thousand River Sun’ is currently streaming on Spotify.

Just Fame is today featuring the new album by Singer and Songwriter Rob Massard. It is titled Thousand River Sun and contains riveting songs like I Hang on Every Moment, I Let It Come to Me, We Can’t Afford the Answers and many more amazing songs! Overall, the songwriting is stunning with exquisite melodic progression. I Hang on Every Moment is breathtaking whereas I Let It Come to Me is a subtle yet invigorating song.

Rob Massard sounds passionate and has a unique tonal quality in his voice.

Thousand River Sun is currently streaming on Spotify.

About the artist: Rob Massard is a highly recognized singer/songwriter from the Detroit area. His signature sound of progressive folk and creative blends of unique musical styling’s define him as a true artist, taking his listeners on a deeply moving and unforgettable journey of faith, hope, and inspiration.

Follow the artist on his official social media for updates about future releases:

Website | Facebook | YouTube | SoundCloud

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